Development: iterative sprints

Solution working groups repeat iterative development sprints (D4.6) as long as the development is active.

Every sprint the following is done:

  • Sprint planning meetings to decide what they are going to pick up from the backlog.
  • Sprint for developers to completely focus on building the code and features.
  • Team retrospectives to discuss what happened in the sprint and what is impeding their progress or working well.
  • Solution retrospectives to discuss what is going well or impeding the process in the development.
  • Solution Demo to present what they have done the past sprint to the problem owners and other partner stakeholders (D2.9) and review if the work has changed the metrics set at the beginning of the solution.
  • Document during the sprint on how to reuse the solution (for D5.1 and D5.5), the documentation is is continually updated.

IoT Registry solution example story:

In multiple iterative sprints of 1 week the teams quickly build the features they want to develop, starting with a working version of Sentilo in the first week and the new sign-up forms required for Amsterdam’s legal role in the second week. At the end of the second sprint both teams are able to run a beta version of the new platform on their own infrastructure enabling the problem owners and their departments to try out the platform while it is being developed. This, as well as the tracked metrics, provides insight and feedback into the production process, for instance a local Amsterdam IoT Fablab group tries out the new system and finds that almost all of their devices need a JSON api that is not yet available on the platform.